Advanced Electrocautery Frequently Asked Questions

advance electrolysis electrocautery cheshire


What is Advanced Electrocautery?

Electrocautery, also known as diathermy, uses electrical energy to create heat at the tip of a small needle, which enables the precise removal of skin lesions.

What does the procedure involve?

Although slight local discomfort is felt during the heat application, it does not usually require a local anaesthetic. The procedure often lasts a matter of seconds; however, this depends on the type of skin lesion, its thickness and size. For lesions that take longer to treat, topical anaesthetic or local anaesthetic injection can be used.

How does the skin appear after Electrocautery?

The area at the base of the lesion will appear dark or black initially & slightly tender to the touch, and the area around it will usually be red and slightly swollen.

Over the following days, a crust or scab usually forms as the area dries out and this will then slough off over the next week.

It’s essential not to pick at any scabs to prevent scarring. Usually, the treatment area will return to normal after a few weeks, although scarring and discolouration is possible. This includes hypo or hyperpigmentation (skin becoming lighter or darker).

Depending on the nature of the lesion, more than one treatment may be necessary and this is usually repeated at regular intervals if required.

Possible side effects shortly after treatment:

Pain –

Diathermy is usually well-tolerated but can sometimes be uncomfortable during or after treatment.

Using your aftercare cooling gel will help to make the area feel less uncomfortable after treatment. Apply with a damp, clean cotton wool pad (pads & gel can be kept in the fridge to aid cooling).

Swelling, skin sensitivity and redness –

This is a normal immediate response to heating the skin & may last for 48 hours, depending on the lesion treated. For a short while the area may also ooze a watery fluid, which will then crust & dry.

Crusting or scabbing – this is also a common consequence of treatment and any crusting or scabbing will usually resolve over the next week. Itching may occur as the skin heals.

Infection –

Infection can occur, but this is uncommon. If it does occur, the discomfort usually increases, and the area may develop a discharge.  This will require treatment in the form of a topical antiseptic or antibiotic therapy.
If this occurs, it’s essential to let your Practitioner know as soon as possible so you can start treatment before it worsens.

Subsequent side effects:

Scarring –

Sometimes, the treated area may leave a small scar, which will fade over time.

Pigmentation changes –

The skin around the treatment site may lighten or darken in colour. This can occur in anyone but is much more common in people with darker skin tones. This usually improves with time but may be permanent.

Results are not always permanent –

This is more likely for some thread veins, which may refill over time and require further treatment.
Warts & skin tags can also reoccur, especially if you are susceptible to them.

Which Lesions Can Electrocautery Treat

Electrocautery/ Diathermy is excellent for treating skin tags, milia, sebaceous hyperplasia, seborrhoeic keratosis, some cysts and facial telangiectasia.

Aftercare following Electrocautery

It is important not to pick at the scab as this will encourage scarring.

A dressing or plaster is not usually necessary but may be advisable if the treated area is likely to be knocked or rubbed by clothing.

  • Avoid all perfumed products in the area until the skin has healed.
  • Avoid make-up/body lotion until the area is healed.
  • Use gentle soaps/cleansers & pat dry.
  • void flying for 48 hours following vascular treatment.
  • Salt water bathing will help if the skin feels irritated.
  • Avoid UV light directly on the area until it has healed. Consider covering the area or using a broad-spectrum sun cream with SPF50.
  • Avoid activities stimulating blood flow, e.g very hot baths/ showers, moderate exercise, hot/spicy foods, alcohol, saunas/steam rooms, and
  • Try to keep the area as dry as possible.
  • Avoid rubbing or irritation of the area.
  • Avoid facial treatments and waxing until the area has completely healed.

How much is Advanced Electrocautery

Aesthetic Nurse Moira performs advanced Electrocautery.

View more information about  Moira and all her up-to-date price list here.

As a guide, the treatment of one lesion with electrocautery is £140

Treatment of additional lesions at the same appointment costs an extra £80 per lesion.

Some skin lesions respond better to cryotherapy (cold therapy) may be the best treatment.

Cryotherapy tends to be less uncomfortable but may need two or more treatments a month apart for best results.

How do I book a treatment?

You have two options:

Book a consultation with Moira

She can assess your skin lesion/ concern. She can then diagnose your problem and advise you on further management and the costs.

Book a consultation and treatment on the day

To book, phone 01606 841255 or book your appointment with Moira online here:

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