Are you thinking of booking an appointment to see Ariana Torti, Naturopathic Osteopath?
Look at her reviews and let her customers help you decide.
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Reviews from Ariana’s clients:
The following reviews are from Ariana’s clients. Some of them have been given to her by her clients with permission to publish on this page, and some of them have been published directly on one of our online review pages.
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Review from Charlotte published on Ariana Osteopath’s page on Facebook.
After waking up with excruciating pain in my neck, (I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow, it felt like my neck had broken) I rang Ariana at Signature Health. Ariana saw me on the same day.
I needed a quick fix as I couldn’t stand the pain I was in but I also have three small children to look after and I didn’t think I’d be able to. Unbelievably, I got my quick fix!
Ariana reduced my pain dramatically in the first ten minutes. Ariana is extremely knowledgeable and was able to locate the issue, my neck muscles were in spasm. With gentle manipulation, massage and a laser machine, normal motion was restored and the pain was gone. I was advised to take it easy, which I did. Over the weekend I didn’t need to take any pain relief- just a hot water bottle got me through. I have not had any pain in my neck since!
I decided to seek Ariana’s advice about another back issue shortly after the first appointment as I was so impressed with her work. For years I’ve suffered with pain in my lower back, it’s been ongoing since having two c-sections six years ago, (a CT scan has shown that I have bulging disks which trap nerves in the lever part of the spine. I have been referred to a surgeon but nothing has happened with it and I’m still waiting for the hospital app 2 years on). Again, after the first session with Ariana, my lower back felt so much better and if surgery was an option now, I can honestly say wouldn’t accept it.
I can highly recommend Ariana, if you are in pain do not hesitate to get in touch with her, she will fix you!
Review from Nathalie on Cheshire Lasers Facebook Page
I’ve had ongoing K-Laser treatment with Ariana Torti whom I strongly recommend to everyone. Ariana is a very professional therapist who makes her customers feel at ease from day 1. She cares for and listens attentively to the needs of her patients. I suffered extensive chronic muscular pain for several months due to stress and can say that Ariana’s K-Laser treatment has made a huge difference for me. This was my first visit to the Cheshire Lasers Clinic – such a spacious and bright area with ample parking at the back of the building and very friendly staff! Thank you Ariana and all, and see you again soon!
Review from Robert on Signature Health Google Page
I can’t recommend Ariana enough. After a really painful recovery after hip replacement, she has eased the pain so much. , arthritis joint pain trapped nerves are all things that I’ve seen Ariana for and had k-line treatment, and it’s really helped me out so much. I can’t recommend enough ,Thank you, Ariana
Review from Brian on Signature Health Google Page
I can thoroughly recommend Signature Health to support your rehabilitation back to better health. I have made significant improvements in my back pain as a result of an extensive, professional, holistic programme of K-laser treatment, massage, manipulation and take-away exercises. I am now well on the way to recovery thanks to Signature Health.
Review from Joan Edwards on Signature Health Google Page
My husband has suffered intense headaches for years and after visiting Ariana Torti today his head has cleared. She is wonderful!
Review from Ann on Signature Health Google Page
I have had pelvic pain for a number of years and nothing seems to have helped long term, having seen Ariana twice for Osteopathy and K laser, there is definitely a big improvement, I now feel hopeful that I will be able to get rid of this once and for all Ariana is very knowledgeable and has fully explained how and why this problem has occurred which helps me understand what is going on. I highly recommend her.