Thinking of booking an appointment to see Jade from Beautology?
Look at her reviews and let her customers help you decide.
How do I leave a review about Jade?
To publish a review about the treatment you have recently experienced with Jade please visit an independent review website. The reviews on this site can be anonymous, or you can leave part of your name or an initial if you prefer not to be identified.
Alternatively, we can publish your review on this page. Just email your feedback/review to Jade, and we can publish it, provided you give us permission.
Reviews from Jade’s clients:
The following reviews are from Jade’s clients. Some of them have been given to her by her clients with permission to publish on this page, and some of them have been published directly on one of our online review pages.
09/07/2020 – Facebook
Absolutely amazing treatment done today by jade, she made me feel extremely comfortable, talked through everything she was going to do, the treatments themselves were absolutely amazing! I feel so relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed! Thank you so much! Katie
Such a lovely relaxing treatment. Jade managed to get all the knots out of my back and made me feel so relaxed and pampered. Loved the hot flannels too felt like it help relieved pressure on my swollen pregnancy feet! Will be booking in before Christmas! Emma
So pleased I found Jade, she makes such a wonderful job of my nails. Thank you x. Gaye H