Reflexology by Sharron Reviews

Thinking of booking to see Sharron Level 5 Accredited Reflexologist?

Look at her reviews below and let her customers help you decide.

How do I leave a review about Sharron?

To publish a review about the treatment you have recently experienced with Sharron, please visit, an independent review website. The reviews on this site can be anonymous, or you can just leave part of your name or an initial if you prefer not to be identified.

Alternatively, we can publish your review on this page. Just email your feedback/review to Sharron, and we can publish it, provided you give us permission.

Reviews from Sharrons’ clients:

I can’t recommend Cheshire Lasers highly enough. I’m currently having a course of reflexology with Sharron, who is fantastic. Empathetic, knowledgeable, professional and incredibly skilled in what she does. Sally R
“sharron really does have healing hands, I have just had my first session and I am looking so forward to the next one. So professional and caring I was totally relaxed from start to finish.I highly recommend Healing Hands Reflexology,thank you so much sharron”  LC
“I had my first treatment with Sharron on Saturday and I would recommend her to anybody it was fantastic, so relaxing and Sharron is very gentle and kind. I felt totally relaxed all the way through and will definitely be booking again”.JB
“Fantastic professional service from Sharron who has a great understanding of all aspects of reflexology” GR
“Absolutely love my Reflexology treatments, Sharron is such a caring and gentle person, I look forward to seeing her every week.  I feel so relaxed and refreshed after a treatment, highly recommended” LAC
“Fantastic treatment, would highly recommend Sharron” LS
” Sharon has helped me through so much this past year. Her reflexology treatments have done wonders for my health. I have more energy, less pain, sleep through the night and feel a lot happy and less stressed. Sharon is such a caring and lovely person making me feel at ease and comfortable every step of the way. I highly recommend her treatments and services to all” LAR
“Absolutely wonderful experience….I wasn’t sure reflexology was for my wife and I but after several sessions its helped us both hugely. Sharron has a wonderful caring approach and offers a very professional service. We can’t say enough good things about her” GD
“Had another amazing treatment this morning. Sharron is very good at what she does and shows real empathy for her clients, as well as delivering a great service and makes you feel like you’ve known her for longer than you have. The treatments have really helped with my health issues and Sharron also gives you great tips to try at home too, thank you so much Sharron your light shines bright! ⭐️ xx”KH